Hi. I must say I barely finished this game, because towards the end, it was more frustrating than enjoyable. I understand it was a school assignment and you may not want to continue developing it, but if you do, there are things you definitely should consider (possibly in the next game you wish to create).
- Most importantly, the movement was stiff and it was annoying that each move left/rightwards made you pass cca 1/6 of the whole screen. When near spikes, you'd be perfectly able to avoid them if there was a slightly higher movement precision.
- You can't even touch the walls and spikes, there is always quite a big gap between you and them, which results in you being killed before you should and some impassable areas (lvl 2).
- Level 2 is harder than Level 3, perhaps you should switch them.
- What definitely shouldn't happen is you moving a little up when your sprite is changed for the one with fire. The robot should always stay at an fixed spot and the fire should appear below it.
- The thrust fire contains some white pixels - are they intentional?
- The white balls don't do anything. I know you can collect them, but that's all, they don't yield score or anything that would show up somewhere. I don't say there should be a score counter, it could e.g. require 2/3 of the orbs to pass to the next level, or anything else. But it shouldn't do nothing.
- The white orbs sprite seem to be cropped slightly on the left.
- I'd consider adding a little more accuracy to the thrust, but it's up to you.
- If you decide to add more levels, it should contain something new, a new aspect every once a while (for example, a key locked door, something other than the spikes to kill you).
I hope the tips were useful to you. ;)