I like it. It has potential. The driving controller is fine. I think it's also a fun idea to create a level from plain models, realise you don't have materials and textures for them, and call it "the snow city". :)
But there are some things which make the experience frustrating and could be improved.
– The angle of the view! If you drove a car and only seen ten meters of road in front of you, you'd be causing accidents left and right – which is what happens here, unless you drive really slowly. Either tilt the camera (or let us tilt the camera), or zoom out further.
– Looking left and right. The cursor doesn't lock, which means you can only turn the view in like 130° range. That's fine when you're driving forward, but very limiting when you turn left or right. You have to resort to weird hacks like right-clicking, moving the cursor and left-clicking again to allow yourself to rotate the camera again. Lock the cursor.
– You can't see yourself on the mini-map which makes it nearly useless. I don't think you really need the minimap anyway.
– Sometimes you can get stuck in the snow with no change to reverse back. Could there at least be a key to restart the game?
– 'Quit' button in a WebGL game is pointless and only freezes the game.
– There's no goal in the game other than driving around. You could easily make it a time-race around the town, or have us collect items scattered throughout the city.
With this car model, you're also almost halfway to the new Tesla cybertruck – and now would be the perfect time to release a game with the car in it when it's trending as a joke/easter egg. Just a suggestion. :)